
7 Steps To Simple Prayer And Deep Contentment

Do you believe that prayer can make your home more simple? It can. I’m not religious. This post is not a one-religion-fits-all post. I believe that simple prayer can be universal. No matter what religion you believe in, prayer brings some degree of peace and contentment. 

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This is the last post of the 10 Step Challenge To Simple Living. I hope you have found ways to apply some of the posts in this series to your own life. Here are some of the top posts of the series:

I’m a believer. I believe in the same God as many of you. I use simple prayer to bring focus and peace into my life. Some may use meditation. Others may use positive thinking. I believe there is a common thread. The method is your choice. Simple prayer can bring peace and simplicity to your life and your home.

This is a wise saying:

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances…  

There’s No Magic Formula For Prayer

I don’t set aside half an hour a day. I don’t pray formally, other than in the evening when I put my daughter to bed. I say The Lord’s Prayer with her. I also pray at church.

In the past, I have prayed long, traditional prayers. Somewhere on the journey, I discovered a more effective and efficient way to pray. I pray without ceasing. Let’s rephrase that. I do my best to pray without ceasing. I am human.

Prayer helps you find peace. Peace is a major part of creating happiness and contentment in your home. There is a simple connection between simple prayer and contentment.

I don’t believe there is a one-size-fits-all app to prayer. What works for me, may not work for you. I do believe that simple prayer leads to simple living. I’d like to share my method of praying with you.

7 Steps To Simple Prayer

  1. Focus on the positive things in your life. Say thank you in a simple prayer.
  2. Ask for help and guidance many times throughout the day. A simple prayer of, “show me the way,” is sufficient.
  3. Focus on the beauty of creation as you walk, bike, hike or drive. Be thankful for Creation’s work.
  4. Breathe deeply several times a day. When you breathe in, think of your deity. When you breathe out, release human stress.
  5. Pray, as you do simple tasks. Happiness can be found in the simplest of tasks when you pray your way through them.
  6. Find a mantra, a short, positive phrase that you repeat throughout the day. Maranatha means, “Come Lord.” I often say, “Be with me.”
  7. Pay close attention to your emotions and pray when you feel overwhelmed.

Start slow. Say a short simple prayer each day. Increase your simple prayers over time. Soon you will learn to pray without ceasing.

I hope the 10 Step Challenge has helped you in some way. If it has, I invite you to sign up for our mailing list. You’ll get monthly newsletters sent straight to your inbox. Get started today:

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James Ewen
Articles: 362