
Welcome To The New Hip Diggs

Life is complicated enough. We don’t need more. We need less. Welcome to the new Hip Diggs. We promote simple living.

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Hip Diggs is changing. Our original purpose was to offer information to new homeowners with an emphasis on home-improvement projects. We also love the tiny house movement. In the future we may still post about these topics and more. Hip Diggs is now part of the simple family of blogs. We’re about genuine simple living.

In the future you can expect a variety of posts. Anything about simplifying our lives at home will be fair game. According to the Zen Habits short list that means we:

  1. Identify what’s most important.
  2. Eliminate everything else.

Here are some of the topics we’re most likely to focus upon:

  1. Decluttering your home.
  2. Living with less material stuff.
  3. Cleaning and purging.
  4. Cutting back on media consumption.
  5. Creative expression in the home.
  6. Healthy eating.
  7. Exercise.
  8. Smaller homes and cars.
  9. Living frugally.
  10. Letting go of excess, physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Why Did I Choose To Change The Focus At Hip Diggs?

Because it’s a more honest reflection of who we really are.

My name is Dan Erickson. I’ve been attempting to live my life simply for years:

  • I spent most my 20s and 30s living in trailers and studio apartments.
  • I’ve gone periods of 2-5 years without a car.
  • I’ve intentionally kept my media consumption low and lived without TV, cable and even telephones.
  • I’ve intentionally kept my wardrobe small.

It was only when I had my first child, about 10 years ago, that I began to feel the pressure to have more. I now live in a 1200 square-foot home with a little less-than-average furnishings. I drive one car: a Kia Soul. I ride a bicycle. I play music. I write. I attempt to fill the space in my life with creative energy rather than stuff. I love the concept and art of minimalism.

My retirement dream is to move into a 400-square-foot apartment and commute only by bicycle and foot. I don’t want to keep up with the Joneses, I want to teach them to live with less. My goal is not to die with the most toys, but to die with as little as possible and give the rest before I go. I hope you’ll join me on my quest to be satisfied with with less.

This is who I am.

More soon…

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Dan Erickson

Dan Erikson is the passionate voice behind Hip Diggs, where he explores the art of living simply and intentionally. With a keen eye for minimalism and its profound impact on our lives, Dan delves into topics ranging from decluttering spaces to decluttering the mind. Drawing from personal experiences and a deep appreciation for the minimalist ethos, he offers readers practical insights and actionable steps to embrace a more meaningful, clutter-free life. When he's not penning down his thoughts on Hip Diggs, Dan enjoys the serenity of nature, reading, and exploring the nuances of simple living in a complex world.

Articles: 253