
How To Increase Your Intelligence Today


If you want to increase your intelligence, you could go to college. But there’s something else you can do. You can read books. Reading not only increases your intelligence, it also helps you gain new skills. Let’s study some benefits of books. 

These days everybody’s reading blogs and online news and entertainment. That’s okay, but it’s no match for books. When we read well-written books with intentionality, we build intelligence. The Internet, on the other hand, might be dumbing us down.

I’m a blogger, but I’ve got to admit something. It seems like 90% of the blog posts I read are repetitive. People keep saying the same things over and over. I hope Hip Diggs has a little more depth and variety than that.

It’s the same with online news. It feels like the stories are geared toward emotional responses rather than really teaching us anything new. There’s something to be said for good old-fashioned books.

3 Ways Reading Books Builds Intelligence

  1. Reading books promotes deeper comprehension: This is true especially when we intently focus on reading. When I read books, I like to read slowly and take in the details. When I read online, I tend to scan more and read less. The slow intentional reading of books helps us gain intelligence through a more thorough understanding of the topic at hand.    
  2. Reading books promotes thought: Whether it’s fiction or nonfiction, I find it hard to read a book without thinking about it critically. Critical thinking is an exercise in building intelligence. We can also learn about a large variety of subjects and skills through reading books.     
  3. Reading books makes you a better writer: I’ve literally read hundreds of books in my life, maybe thousands. I believe that all the reading I’ve done makes me a better writer. Writing not only builds intellect, but the best writers gain emotional intelligence. Great writers have a solid sense of self-awareness, empathy, and greater social skills.

Learn More About The Value Of Reading

I’ll admit that since I’ve started writing more frequently, I’ve been reading books less often. But recently I got into a reading group and I’ve forced myself to read more books. If you’ve been reading less, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Why am I reading less? Life gets busy. I’m a single dad. I have a full-time job. I write regularly. But it’s about priorities. I have time to read if I make it a priority. 
  2. How could I make more time to read? Most people watch TV. If you watch more than an hour of TV a day, cut that time in half and read instead. You can also give up some time on the Internet and replace it with reading a book.
  3. When will I start my next book? Set a date and time to start reading a new book. Set a goal for finishing that book.

Start Building Your Intelligence Today!

I encourage you to pick up a book today. If you have an unread book on the shelf, start reading it when you have a few minutes. Or you could visit the library and check out a book you think you’d enjoy. Build your intelligence. 

Have you read a good book lately? Try it. You’ll feel better, and smarter.

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James Ewen
Articles: 362