Category Lifestyle

Lifestyle at Hipdiggs is about embracing simplicity in all aspects of life. This category explores topics like minimalism, mindfulness, and sustainable living, offering practical advice and thoughtful reflections on how to live a more intentional, less cluttered life.

Welcome To The New Hip Diggs


Life is complicated enough. We don’t need more. We need less. Welcome to the new Hip Diggs. We promote simple living. Photo Credit Hip Diggs is changing. Our original purpose was to offer information to new homeowners with an emphasis…

Simple Coaching Packages

Simple Coaching Package One includes: 4 hours of coaching by phone (within the U.S.) or Skype.  Email access for 30 days. An evaluation of what you want to accomplish and a plan to help you reach your goals to become…

It All Starts With You

Only you can start living more simply. It starts today. I’m here to help. Hip Diggs wants to teach you skills to simplify your life. Learn to get back to basics. The secret to simple living is right at your…

Can You Help Hip Diggs Out?

I’m a busy guy.  I work full-time, keep my personal/writing blog at, and I’m a single dad.  Keeping up here at has proven to be a challenge I may not be up to.  That’s why I’m asking for a…

Gutters: A Dirty Do-It-Yourself Job

Photo Credit Now I understand the expression, “get your mind out of the gutter.”  When your gutters are right beneath a walnut tree and have been ignored for a few years, they are a dirty place.  I must have scooped…

A Dog Run For Shep

We love our pets.  They’re part of the family.  Our dog Shep is a great dog, but he got the short end of the stick on this move.  The backyard at the old rental house was big.  The yard here…

Beware The Hot-Air Heater Guy

I was fortunate enough to learn a valuable lesson early on in my home-ownership journey. Buyer beware! This lesson cost me $454.44.  I hope by writing about it, I might save you some money. In order to fully appreciate this…