Category Minimalism

The heart of Hipdiggs, the Minimalism category delves deep into the philosophy and practice of minimalism. It explores the benefits of a minimalist lifestyle, offers practical tips for decluttering, and encourages thoughtful discussions about consumerism, simplicity, and finding happiness in less.

The Dichotomy Of Blogging About Minimalism

I’ve been blogging about simple living and minimalism for a few years now. It’s something I’m passionate about. My blog has become a personal journey and an exercise in writing. That’s all good stuff. But there’s a dichotomy involved in…

The Disciplined Art Of Less

Do you keep a schedule? Are you able to get done what you want to get done? Being disciplined is an art. It’s something we have to plan. That disciplined art starts with less. I’m quick to admit that I…

Shep: My Dog The Minimalist


We can learn a lot from our canine friends. I’ve learned a lot from my dog, Shep. I’ve learned about loyalty. I’ve learned about determination. I’ve learned about minimalism. My simple dog Shep has taught me a few things. Dogs…

On Minimalism, Blogging, And Being Human

I’ve been blogging for several years. I’ve been a minimalist most of my life. It took me awhile to see how the two could come together. I’ve reached that point. Still, this leads to further questions. How do minimalism, blogging,…

A Minimalist View On The Value Of Time


As a minimalist, I’m wrestling with the problem of time. How does time fit into the minimalist equation? Time is not the same as minimalist art or minimalism in architecture. Simple living does something amazing. It opens up more time…