Category Minimalism

The heart of Hipdiggs, the Minimalism category delves deep into the philosophy and practice of minimalism. It explores the benefits of a minimalist lifestyle, offers practical tips for decluttering, and encourages thoughtful discussions about consumerism, simplicity, and finding happiness in less.

My Only Christmas Post This Year

Many bloggers write holiday posts. I’m no exception. I usually write several posts each year about keeping Christmas simple. This year, I’m not going to focus on simplifying Christmas. Read on to find out why. Of course I believe we…

Conversation Is Coming To Hip Diggs

In order to get more people thinking about simple living and minimalism, we need to keep the conversation going. Starting in January, 2016, the conversation is coming to Hip Diggs. You might wonder why I’ve had the comments closed at…

Less Busyness Equals More Productivity

You might think the title of this post is a contradiction. It’s not. When we look deep into the problem of why people don’t complete tasks, we find the biggest excuse is this: “I’m too busy.” The answer is simple.…

5 Promises To Practice What I Preach


There are a lot of people blogging about minimalism these days. That’s good. I hope they’re all making strides to live with less. I’ve been practicing simple living the majority of my life. Part of living simple includes blogging simple.…

14 Years Later: My Old Filson Coat


In 2005, shortly after my daughter was born, I decided to buy myself a nice coat. I drove to the Filson flagship store in Seattle and bought a Weekender. 14 years later it’s still going strong. But it was starting…

25 Reasons To Stop Fearing Change

We often fear change. But we shouldn’t. Taking chances and facing change head on will make you a stronger and more open-minded person. These 25 reasons to stop fearing change are geared to help you see the positive side of…