Category Minimalism

The heart of Hipdiggs, the Minimalism category delves deep into the philosophy and practice of minimalism. It explores the benefits of a minimalist lifestyle, offers practical tips for decluttering, and encourages thoughtful discussions about consumerism, simplicity, and finding happiness in less.

More Minimalist Music from Anderhill

I shared this over at my main blog,, a couple of weeks ago. I wanted to make sure to give more of my audience the chance to hear my latest electronic music. Simple living and success don’t always feel synonymous,…

New Music: The Minimalist Mixtape 2

I’ve spent the last few weeks finishing up another music project. It’s my pleasure to introduce The Minimalist Mixtape 2. The project includes 12 new electronic tracks. In early 2017, I released The Minimalist Mixtape, my debut album of all-electronic minimalist…

A Clean Slate Leads To Productivity


Minimalism does not equate to doing nothing. Living more simply and keeping your space free of clutter and distraction leads to a clean slate. A clean slate allows you to create. Creativity leads to productivity. The secret to productivity is…

Second Call For Guest Writers

A few weeks ago, I opened Hip Diggs up to guest writers. I’ve received a few submissions, but it might not be enough to keep things running into 2019.  Part of me would really like to keep Hip Diggs going.…