Organize, Organize, Organize
I get tired of minimalists who tell me to stop organizing and just keep getting rid of my stuff. They act as if we should have such a small amount of stuff that we should never have to organize anything.…
The heart of Hipdiggs, the Minimalism category delves deep into the philosophy and practice of minimalism. It explores the benefits of a minimalist lifestyle, offers practical tips for decluttering, and encourages thoughtful discussions about consumerism, simplicity, and finding happiness in less.
I get tired of minimalists who tell me to stop organizing and just keep getting rid of my stuff. They act as if we should have such a small amount of stuff that we should never have to organize anything.…
Recently, I started something new. I began spending one or two weekends a month visiting small towns in the Inland Northwest for a potential writing project. I already knew these towns face some poverty issues, but I was shocked to…
I don’t regularly practice meditation in the traditional sense. But I do find peace in the things I do. In my free ebook, The Happiness Of Simple, I discuss how simple tasks such as sweeping can become meditative. It’s not the end…
This is it, my last post at Hip Diggs. I said something similar at the end of 2018, but this time it’s for real. My minimalist experiment is complete. It’s time to move on. But before I go, I’d like…
Photo Credit I’ve moved a lot in my life. Too many times, really. It’s been awhile since I’ve figured it out, but at one point in my life I’d moved more times than years I’d been alive. In the past…
Posted on April 14, 2016 by Dan Erickson · Leave a comment Is there a formula for a good blog post? Not exactly, but I believe there are some basic elements to great blog posts. I don’t like the idea…
Posted on April 14, 2016 by Dan Erickson · Leave a comment Is there a formula for a good blog post? Not exactly, but I believe there are some basic elements to great blog posts. I don’t like the idea…
Posted on April 14, 2016 by Dan Erickson · Leave a comment Is there a formula for a good blog post? Not exactly, but I believe there are some basic elements to great blog posts. I don’t like the idea…
We see minimalists and simple-living bloggers posting about the things we don’t need, but what about the things we do need? Sometimes it seems like minimalism would have you give away everything, including the kitchen sink and your own mother.…
I know I’ve referred to myself as a minimalist on this blog. I’m not really. I do have every intent to continue to scale down the way I live. I am passionate about spreading the ideology of simple living. But…