Category Minimalism

The heart of Hipdiggs, the Minimalism category delves deep into the philosophy and practice of minimalism. It explores the benefits of a minimalist lifestyle, offers practical tips for decluttering, and encourages thoughtful discussions about consumerism, simplicity, and finding happiness in less.

Slow Changes Coming To Hip Diggs

If you follow my Facebook Page, you may have noticed some posts about changes coming to Hip Diggs. If you don’t follow the Facebook Page, I’ll fill you in now. I recently changed the name of my Facebook Page from…

Numbers: A Musical Journey In Simplicity


I’m excited about my latest music project, Numbers. I don’t usually post much about my creative work at Hip Diggs. I save that work for my other blog, The Creative Side. But the Numbers project is different. I recently completed a 12-song…

5 Simple Steps To Reduce Clutter

The first thing you need to decide is simple: what is you acceptable level of clutter? Many minimalists like zero clutter. I think that’s too high a bar. A little clutter is not a bad thing. Let’s be realistic. Nobody…