6 Morning Routines That Will Keep Your Life Simple

One way to keep life more simple is to start each day out right. If you have morning routines that deal with predictable stressors, you’ll simplify your life.

I’m not going to lie. Mornings can suck for a single parent. I have to get up, get ready, get breakfast, get Annie up, get us out the door, get Annie to the bus, and get to work. Whew!

Still, I’ve discovered a few ways of making mornings a very productive part of my day. When we get things done in the morning it lessens our stress during other parts of the day.

5 Morning Routines That Simplify Your Life

  1. Make your bed: This seems like a little thing, but it really makes a difference. The simple act of making your bed sets the standard for the next routine.
  2. Clean up: If I have unfinished laundry or dishes to wash or put away, I take care of it early in the morning. If you spend 10-15 minutes tidying up, you’ll feel less stressed and have more free time later in the day.
  3. Drink water: One way to keep hydrated is to drink a couple of big glasses of water every morning. Water keeps you healthy. 
  4. Drink tea: This is the favorite of my morning routines. I drink a cup of chamomile tea with local honey most every morning. When I drink tea, I make a point to sit, relax, and breathe deeply. This reduces stress.
  5. Eat right: Oatmeal is my go-to breakfast. I eat a banana most every morning, too. Yogurt, berries, granola, and other healthy foods help me get the day going, too.
  6. Exercise: I’m not perfect here, but I try to do some simple stretching and light cardio exercises for a few minutes each morning.

Start Right And Feel Light

When your morning routines help you tackle some of life’s challenges, you’ll feel better throughout the day. You’ll know you have a clean house. You’ll know you’ve eaten a healthy meal. And you’ll have gotten some exercise into your day. You’ll feel lighter throughout the day.

I still look forward to the time when I can slow down more in the mornings. But my morning routines go a long way to keeping my life more simple. I encourage you to create a few simple morning routines, too.

If you’d like to learn more about simple living, I’ve written a book called, The Happiness of Simple. I explain how simple living leads to more happiness and productivity. It’s free. Get yours today.

The Happiness of Simple


James Ewen
Articles: 362